Work in Progress Wednesday – Bath Mat

bathmatunfDue to some rather unfortunate incident I no longer have a bath mat. At the moment I’m using some towels on the floor, so when I came across a pattern in One Skein for a bath mat and I eyed the six skeins of Sugar & Cream in Cream sitting on my shelf, I couldn’t help but grab a hook and start on my way.

I’m not entirely convinced this will make the greatest bathmat in the world considering all the holes, but it is at least cotton and will absorb water readily. It’ll also be super easy to clean and I’m hoping to have this finished quickly.

You can find the pattern in One Skein by Leigh Radford. There are a lot of great projects in there, including some felted bowls I’m considering trying out, especially since I finally finished felting up all the bowls I made previously. And I would say that not all of the patterns will necessarily only use one skein, as can be evidenced by the pattern for the bath mat, that is unless you happen to buy a giant 840 yard skein of cotton yarn.

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